House Program FAQs
House Program FAQs
What is the address of the RBA?
Our address is: PO Box 335 - Ridgefield, CT 06877
When does the house season begin?
Player evaluations typically take place on the Saturday after Election Day. Player selection meetings are held on weeknights the following week. Teams can expect to get together for their first practices on the weekend after Veteran's Day. In the pre-season, there will be both weeknight and weekend practice times assigned to most teams.
Games begin on the first weekend after the Thanksgiving break.
When does the house season end?
Super Sunday is traditionally on the first or second Sunday in March, and is the culmination of our house season. The event takes place at Yanity gym with all of our house finalists, boys and girls from grades three through eight, playing before a packed house. There is music, a color guard, and lots of fun for both players and fans. All teams participate in the playoffs, which typically begin on the Friday nine days before Super Sunday.
How often do teams practice? Are practices the same day every week?
House teams can expect one weeknight practice per week. Those practices are typically held at school facilities. Therefore, while we attempt to schedule practices for the same day every week, due to vacation days, parent/teacher conferences, concerts, and other school activities, there is sometimes variation week to week.
How many games per week and on what days are the games played?
Games are played on Friday evenings, Saturdays during the day, and on Sundays after noon. Rarely there will be a 11:00am game on Sundays but the RBA attempts to avoid Sunday morning games whenever possible.
There are usually 10 or 11 weeks in the regular season depending on the school calendar. During that time, teams can expect to play approximately 14 games. Therefore, there will be weekends with two games but most weekends will have one game.
What if my son/daughter wants to play on the same team with a friend?
The RBA holds evaluations and a draft system to try and ensure, to the best of our ability, that teams are level. We have found over the years that our draft selection policy with teams chosen by the coach streamlines the process and avoids a lopsided team. Therefore, children cannot be placed with a friend unless a Coach selects both of them onto the same team.
My son/daughter plays on a travel team, can they also play RBA House basketball?
No. Please be advised that players involved in any travel program are not eligible to play in the RBA House program.
What about school vacations?
The RBA schedule mirrors the school schedule in most respects. When the children are away from school due to holidays, the RBA typically does not have events in the house league. There are no house activities during the Thanksgiving weekend, the Christmas/Holiday break, and New Year's Day weekend. We have occasionally held a few games on President's Day weekend, usually when we have had weather postponements earlier in the season. We do play games on the weekend before Martin Luther King Day.
I want to volunteer to help or coach a team. How do I do that?
I am a high school student and would like to coach a team. Can I do that?
Yes. The RBA welcomes high school student coaches. Though the RBA will give preference to parents who wish to coach teams, we have used high school coaches in all of our divisions on both the boys' and girls' sides. High school-aged coaches are required to attend a coaching clinic and are also required to have an adult present in the gym for all activities, practices, and games. Click here to learn more!
I still have questions. What should I do?
Our RBA house directors, Chris Flynn & Mike Lyons (boys) and Chris Mathews (girls) are available to answer your questions. Use our contact page form to get in touch with us!